Season 2

Jan. 19, 2021

The Wonder of a Blue Planet: Hugh Pearson on filming iconic scenes from the oceans of our world

In this episode, I speak with Hugh Pearson , the underwater filmmaker behind some of the most iconic ocean sequences ever captured, and director of portions of " Blue Planet ," and more recently, both underwater episodes for ...
Jan. 12, 2021

Survival of the Strangest: Mikki McComb-Kobza On Her Passion For The Undersea World of Hammerheads

In this episode, I speak with Dr. Mikki McComb-Kobza , Executive Director of the Ocean First Institute , an organization dedicated to preserving the world's oceans, and a woman with a deep passion for sharks and particularly ...
Jan. 5, 2021

A Life Complete: Aaron James On Ocean Philosophy And The Meaning In Surfing

In this episode, I speak with Aaron James, a philosophy professor who's also an avid surfer. As a lifelong Buddhist myself and an avid scuba diver with a profound connection to the ocean, I was interested in exploring what de...
Dec. 29, 2020

Staying Alive in the Underworld, Part Two: Jill Heinerth On A Life Diving the Deepest Caves On The Planet

In this episode, Part Two of my conversation with Jill Heinerth , cave diver, underwater photographer, and explorer-in-residence for the Royal Canadian Geographic Society . As we discussed in Part One, there's a visceral thri...
Dec. 22, 2020

Staying Alive in the Underworld, Part One: Jill Heinerth On A Life Diving the Deepest Caves On The Planet

In this episode part one of my conversation with Jill Heinerth , cave diver, underwater photographer, and Explorer-in-Residence for the Royal Canadian Geographic Society . I first met Jill at a dive industry convention, where...
Dec. 15, 2020

A Good Day To Die: Sea Shepherd Founder Captain Paul Watson On The Compassion Behind Confrontation

In this episode, my conversation with Captain Paul Watson, founder of Sea Shepherd , the environmental organization known for interventions with whaling ships around the world. Paul has been at the forefront of the ocean envi...
Dec. 1, 2020

Season Two Is Coming! A Sneak Preview

Season Two Is Coming! And the newest episode premieres on Tuesday December 15th. Big Deep is a podcast is about people who have a deep connection to our world’s oceans, connections strong enough that they have dedicated some...